Monday, October 02, 2006

The Bachelor

Amy came over tonight to watch the new Bachelor in Rome. First of all, I'm sadly disappointed in this bachelor. He is really not attractive at all. Amy pegged it. He looks like Steve Carrell... Who, although, not too attractive, has such a great sense of humor that you don't ever notice his looks. Too bad for the bachelor. He doesn't have the humor thing going for him. He actually seems incredibly nerdy. Poor guy. At least he's a prince.


lindsayloo said...

did you see her mom run out in her red evening gown and diamond earrings as if she had no idea the camera crew were coming, and she just wanders around the house dressed up all the time?!?!? hilarious.

Jackie Sue said...

Hey Linds! Missed you at homecoming. Saw part of the bachelor but couldn't do his swoopy bangs so I had to change it. I miss Dr. Travis Stork.

lindsayloo said...

HIS HAIR!! oh my word. it's just awful.
I miss Travis, too. They really set the bar there, I don't know how you follow up an act like that. Not with this guy, that's for sure.
poor nerdy boy.