I am so deeply saddened, frustrated, and grieved over this situation with Pastor Ted Haggard. I just can't fathom how his family must be feeling at this time. Both in the church and his actual family. I have met Haggard and I worked with his wife during a women's conference. They were two of the most gracious, kind, and sincere people I met during that entire experience, and I definitely admired them and felt both encouraged and warmed by who they were and how they treated everyone around them.
This whole tragedy has not made me question him as a man or as a Pastor. I realize that he has made some excruciatingly horrible decisions and his actions are obviously wrong. But, I still do not believe it is our place to judge him. As Christians, this is our time to forgive someone who has done something wrong. To show the world that we ARE serious about learning and becoming like Christ. Jesus has forgiven him. He forgave him when He died on the cross!! Just as He forgave us everything we have done. We are in no position to stand in judgment of Him... In no position to call him a hypocrite. We sin every day. Every day. We all lie, we all do things or say things we shouldn't, and we all know when we are choosing poorly and yet we still do it. We are human, we are sinners, and this is exactly why we need Jesus Christ!! I believe it is unfitting as Christians to condemn him, to turn our backs on him. We are family. He has confessed, he asked forgiveness, and that is what we are supposed to do. Our judgment lies with God, and God only. And I believe that Pastor Haggard is probably reeling in the shame and guilt of what he has done, and what his family is having to deal with.
I do believe that he will suffer the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life. And that is the result of what happens when we sin. Plain and simple. Our job now is to pray for him... To pray for his family. To pray for his congregation and for all the lives he touched. That they will find that their strength and their salvation has never been in a man... Never fully rested on the power and abilities of the one behind the pulpit... Their salvation is in the Lord. Their strength and their truth and their power comes from Jesus!
I will say that this story has made me really get honest with myself about a lot of things. I realize what a serious responsibility it is for uas as Christians, to constantly be submitting our thoughts and our actions to the Lord. He asks for our obediance, and for us to live a life that glorifies Him. And, because of His love, His forgiveness, and His gift of eternal salvation, we should!!! I know that if people looked at me all day every day, heard my thoughts every day, they would find many things that they could judge me on. I realize that I am a sinner, that I need Christ's salvation and His truth and redemption on a daily basis. And thank GOD that I have it. And so does Ted Haggard. Thankfully, God sees us all with the same eyes. He loves us all the same, even those who don't choose to love Him. There is NO LOVE greater than this!!!!
Once again, well said. I think one of the things that makes this so damaging in our society today is because pastors, evangelists, etc are put on pedastals. Not one of them deserves to be there. We are all human and not one of us is safe from temptation. Those in higher positions are just that, in higher positions, greater accountability-yes but above temptation-no. It really gets me that we, the body who has been saved from so much filth and sin, is so quick to judge a brother or sister for things that we have done. Maybe not the same exact things but WE ALL SIN, and God doesnt hold our sins by a measuring stick saying, "this one is a 4, while this one is a 10 and this one is a 2". They are all the same in his eyes and so should be in ours. I have been forgiven for horrible, terrible things and Im pretty sure that I cannot and will not judge one who has sinned just as I have.
Is that enough ranting???? ;)
yeah, i just blogged on this yesterday. i totally agree with you, linds. this is the for the body to show what it's made of...hopefully we'll begin passing the test soon. who are we to throw stones when we ourselves mess up on a daily basis. all the time, i feel how Paul did about being the worst of sinners.
good stuff,
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