Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Cards 2006

Okay, guys, I need your help. But it has to be quick... In fact, by the time you read this, I may have already compulsively chosen without you, BUT... I'm trying to pick the final picture for our FIRST family Christmas card!! And I can't decide. The best one, unfortunately (in my opinion) is the one where Niles isn't even looking at the camera, and I dont know if it looks odd or not...
So, anyway... bring on the constructive criticism!!
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I'm certainly not opposed to using this one, regardless of the hanging child...
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I'm thinking NO on this one, although Reese's face is hilarious.
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And, one of my beautiful entire family. For good measure. =)
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Anonymous said...

Definitely #4. Beautiful family!!!

Jackie Sue said...

I love them all, but #4 is great with everyone looking. I better get one!

TulipGirl said...

Beautiful pics! Third and Fourth are my faves. . . Btw, did I ever tell you you make me think of my cousin--who shares your first name?