Okay, since you asked...
Loved it. Loved the premiere and for whatever reason, thirty minutes just does not seem long enough for this gem.
I know, I know, It is the obsession of no-life, too-much-time, teeny boppers... I just cannot get enough!!
Here are the reasons I should not love The Hills:
1. I'm 30.
2. I can never have hair like that.
3. I'm 30.
4. I will never have clothes like that.
5. I'm 30.
6. I am a mother, and those girls should scare any parent of a girl.
7. Lauren has nothing to say on any date she ever goes on. Really nothing interesting to say... ever.
8. Heidi absolutely reminds me of my stupidity in past relationships and noone wants to remember that stuff!
9. Spencer.
10. I'm THIRTY.
But I can't stop it... It is an unstoppable force!! It is the proverbial train wreck that must be watched over and over!
So, since it will not and cannot be contained, I must comment.
I love Audrina. She has made some dumb decisions (justin bobby) but she seems like a good friend, maybe a little naive, but pretty level-headed. I think Lo was completely and totally out of line with her little attitude in the final conversation and it was so infuriating to watch! But, this will make this season that much more interesting.
Why is is that Lauren seems like she never says anything interesting... at all?! ESPECIALLY on dates?! I don't get the fascination. I don't. She is beautiful, she is well-dressed and fashionable, she has great hair... and she seems like a good friend, albeit a little Type-A, but why are we interested?!?!
Whitney - flawless.
Spencer - I mean, seriously!!??1 Is he for real?! Does he know the level of disgust people feel towards him? Is he content in his soul with that?! Oy. The boy needs to be sent... away, or... something. Just banish him!
I agree on every level! Could the flesh-colored beard be any more putrid?!?!
I really am embarassed at how much I love this show.
I love it too. a little too much. and for no good reason. What's the deal with that show?!
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