Monday, April 07, 2008


Jess tagged me, so let's see if I can think of 7 things you may not know about me...

1. I have a specific shower routine that I have to do every time I shower. I wash my face first, then shampoo my hair, then condition, shave if I need to and soap up, then rinse conditioner. Then I'm out, HAVE to completely wipe my feet dry before I will step out... If I go out of order, well... I just don't.

2. I have NINE magazine subscriptions. But, before judging me crazy, consider first that I used to buy half of those magazines every month. I'm literally sending Reese to college on the money I've saved through doing subscriptions.

3. I really nearly cry every time the Mavericks lose.

4. I own the movie, Crossroads. And Center Stage.

5. I am a talk radio fanatic. NPR on Saturdays, ESPN all day Monday through Friday. After 9/11 I listened to AM News radio every day for like, two years.

6. I am obsessed with the BBC version of The Office. I own the entire set and watch it over and over and over. I love Ricky Gervais.

7. If I could spend an entire day with one person, just for the heck of it, it would be Amy Poehler. I adore everything about her.

If I read this again, I'm sure I will edit it to death, thinking and rethinking and rethinking in my OCD way. So I am going to let this be my 7 things, and wrap this puppy up.



THZ said...

Linds you crack me up! I love the shower routine... it reminds me a little of my own OCD shower routine! =) You must need a major box of tissue with the Mavs these days! =) Let's get together sometime soon!

Desiree said...

Yeah, I dunno Linds. Im really digging this whole preggo thing and am not a bit uncomfortable...NOT. Im so stinkin ready! She is just not cooperating. I think we have a mini-me on our hands!