I am too out of the loop to know how to make my NCAA bracket this year, and I'm certainly too discouraged by my Dallas team to make any sort of prediction or even talk about basketball. Period.
So, my "bracket" right now will just be trying to predict the next ten weeks of American Idol eliminations. =)
Okay, I will admit it. I completely overshot Chikezie's chances. But at least, ya know, he had that ONE. GREAT. NIGHT!!
This week I'm calling Kristy Lee Cook - OUT. Seriously. It's time. Too many chances, now matter how sweet and likable she is, she needs to go.
Next week - Ramiele. Out. Cute. Sweet. Go on, get going.
For the Next Two Weeks after - Chikezie or Dreadhead Jason Castro. Depends on who does better. (And, let it be known, I think Castro is super-cute)
Next - Syesha.
David Archuleta - PLEASE. I'm soooo over him. Yes, he's adorable and he's going to get this far ONLY because of the million screaming 13 year olds. Truth be told, I'd much rather him leave way earlier. Come on, the whole "... when I sing this song I just think of all the people in the world who don't have houses..." Need I say more?! "Someone" has a stage parent!
Michael Johns - I really like him a lot. I sure hope he gets to stay this long.
Carly, Brooke and David Cook.
I think the big upset is going to be Carly leaving first, and then Brooke and David Cook are going to be the final two.
And either of those I would be happy with!!
So there's my AI blog for the week. And the season for that matter!
Seacrest. out.